Friday, February 1, 2008

Monday's Adventure at Epcot

Before I go into the rest of our day at Epcot, I feel like I need to explain why we decided to take a 16 month old to Disney World. Of course, I realize he won't remember the trip. We've been to Disney before and we enjoy it and we hoped it be about having family memories for Jeff and I. I also think that when Jacob gets older, he'll appreciate having pictures of himself with Mickey & Pooh, and at Disney. I'm sure we'll go back, it's not the only trip we'll take, so there will be plenty of future trips when he is older.

The trip was originally hatched in January 2007, when Jacob was but 5 months old. My friend Heather, is a huge Disney fan, and we've always dreamed of taking a trip together. Disney was having a sale for specific dates in 2007 that included 40% off room rates. Some dates were in December, and I had not been at Christmas since I was a kid. Heather's daughter, Caitlin, is exactly 9 months older than Jacob, so Caitlin was going to be 2 and Jacob 16 months. So the original reservation was to go with our friends in December 2007. In February 2007, we flew to Florida to take Jacob to visit my grandparents who are unable to travel to NC. They just loved him to pieces and since we had a trip to Disney planned for December, we told them we'd see them in 11 months, and they were excited we'd be back so soon.

Over the course of 2007, Heather, Jed & Caitlin had to bow out of the trip for various reasons. Since we'd promised my grandparents, Jeff & I decided to forge ahead and invite my mom along. She was agreeable to going. At some point, we realized it was no longer going to work for the Jeff, Jacob & I to stay with my grandparents in their small 2 BR house. So, we decided to rent a house for all of us to stay at. Might as well get one with a pool too! So the trip became about spending time with my grandparents and for my grandparents to spend time with Jacob. Disney ended up being the secondary reason for the trip. I found the right house, then delayed in booking and missed out on staying there for the first two days of our trip, so we booked the Hilton. There!

Back to Epcot on Monday, Dec 10!
So, after the Epcot Character Spot, we wandered around aimlessly some more. At this point, I remember thinking Jacob felt like he was starting to run a fever, poor baby. He was also having a lot of nasal drainage. He was acting okay though. We went to check out Land of the Living Seas - he loved the aquariums and we had the place just about to ourselves, so we let him roam and we followed him around. He was so funny. Finding Nemo was broken, so we couldn't ride it. : ( We went over to Fig's Journey into the Imagination and we did ride that, but Jacob was not much interested. He just wanted to run free! He did not like being held or cooped up on a ride. He was okay however in his stroller! Thank goodness for that. We went back and Nemo was still broken. Jacob seemed to be fading, so we headed out of the park. You'll see the pictures of him slumped over the front of the stroller. Little Mr. Independant refused to lay back and sleep in a comfortable position and decided that leaning forward was better. He slept that way on the entire stroll to the car. We got him loaded into the car, and our plan was to head back to the hotel, load up the car with our stuff, check out and then go back to Epcot to kill time until 4 pm when we could check into the house.

So we did. And of course, like previous days, Jacob fell asleep immediately in the car. We were able to keep him sleeping in the car while we stopped at a beach type shop and I ran in and tried on a few swim suits and bought one. Then I ran into Qdoba and picked up lunch for Jeff & I. Jacob still sleeping in the car seat. By the way, we bought a Cosco Scenera cheap car seat for $50 for the trip - it's only 9 lbs, easy to install, etc, and apparently, Jacob found it very comfortable for sleeping! So, we headed back to the Hilton, ate our lunch, tried to get Jacob to nap, but he refused. We finally got checked out by about 1 pm and headed back over to Epcot. When we got back, Finding Nemo was finally open. We attempted to get in line and Jacob did not want to be held through the line. He wanted to walk. Walking was still novel to him, he'd only been doing it about 2 months! The problem was he also didn't want to hold our hands though. We waited through the line hoping he'd cooperate, but he refused, so we jumped out of the line at the last minute. After strolling around, he seemed happy & in a good mood. We gave it another shot. We got back in line for Nemo. He was okay through 90% of the line and did not really freak out until we actually got into our clam-mobile. Then, he threw a fit through the entire ride and wanted to sit on the floor of the clam-mobile. Jeff and I decided that would be the last ride we tried to take him on! We loaded him back up into the stroller, and he was fine. We decided to take a spin around the Worlds of Epcot. First up, Mexico. Jeff and I split a frozen margarita. Oh how have we missed this delicious conconction at Epcot all these trips! It was wonderful!!! We completed our tour of the worlds and it was finally about 3:45 p.m. so off to our house - Shrek's Hideout - we headed!


The Portas said...

Yummy, frozen margaritas...
I'm curious about this $50 lightweight car seat? I'll have to check into that.
I looked at your pics from your trip and I loved the ones of Jacob slumped over the stroller. He looks like a pretzel. So cute!

I think it's great that you took him on the trip with you. No, he won't remember it, but that doesn't mean it's not a good memory for you two. And you can take him back plenty more times!

CandCFamily said...

I read an article and it said precisely what you captured. Taking your kids placs like this is all about your memories and they can be awesome even if the kids don't really remember. Christopher loved Disney and vaguely remembers it (he was 3). But we look at the pics and he seems to re-live it.