Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sleepless Nights

Jacob was up from 1 a.m. until about 3 a.m. last night. He is cutting his top teeth and I think that is the reason for his restlessness. Normally when he awakes at night, he doesn't usually cry. However, last night, he started off fussing, and he got progressively louder. He doesn't go back to sleep without a bottle, so last night I decided we'd start putting water in the bottles instead of formula. He did not care one bit.

We finally got him back to sleep & resting about 1:40 a.m. By 1:52 a.m. he was awake and about to begin crying again. Jeff went in and rocked in for a little while and we went ahead and gave him infant Ibuprofen. I think that must have helped but it was another 30 to 45 minutes later before he finally went back to sleep. Then, he was up at 6:20 this morning, so none of of slept well last night!


We had a good trip to Wilmington over the weekend. On Thursday night Heather brought Caitlin over to see Jacob. We realized we have not had them together since Jacob was one month old (Caitlin was 10 months then). They were very cute together. Jacob crawled right over to her and tried to get her pacifier. Now, he does like pacifiers when we've tried to give him one (believe me, there are actually times I wish he would take one!), but when he sees other kids with them, I think he thinks it's a toy and he wants to play with it, or chew on it.... Chrissy informed us that Jacob does the same things with her twins & their pacifiers.... not too thrilled about that... Anyway, back to the story. Caitlin and Jacob are now friends. Caitlin gave Jacob several "kisses". I'll have to get the pictures posted!

Friday, we went to see Jeff's mom! Jacob got a shirt, sandals, and a blue stuffed bunny for Easter, bringing the Easter bunny talley to two. We went down to the outlet stores in Myrtle Beach and just had to buy Jacob more clothes! He should be well dressed this summer! Of course, it's been so darn cold around here lately, that I'm running out of things to put him in that still fit him!

More later on our weekend!


Tracy said...

Hi Jenni! Thanks for visiting my site! Please stop by any time.Sounds like Dominic & Jacob have a lot in common :)! Would you mind if I added you to my Heart links?

Sweet picture in the previous post. You certainly have a beautiful family :)!

Tracy said...

Forgot to add ... yes please feel free to add me to your heart kids as well :)!