Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Trip to the Doctor

Jacob's fever was about 101 this morning, and his cough worsened overnight. I had left a message for our doctor yesterday and they called this morning with an appointment for 9:45 a.m. I told Jacob we were going to the doctor, and he said, "No, mom, I stay here, maybe next time." I told him if he would be good and go to the doctor, he could have a candy cane when we got home. He said, "I don't want a candy cane." Great, even bribes didn't work! I coaxed him into the bathtub and got him dressed.

I told him we could take Kitty to the doctor and he wanted to do that. As we were leaving, he was saying that Kitty was sick and needed to go to the doctor. He was good all the way there. When we got there, he told the receptionist, Ann, that Kitty was sick and needed to see the doctor. He usually freaks out at the doctor's office by the time we pull in the parking lot, so Ann was impressed he was so calm. He chose the rocket ship room over the firefighter room. He let the nurse, Dana, take his temperature with a little crying. Then, he actually stood on the scale by himself. This was a first for him! He's usually so freaked out by then, that I have to hold him and then they weigh me and subtract my weight. He was 34 lbs! I think we had been underdosing him on the Tylenol yesterday by a 1/2 teaspoon, so that's probably why it didn't help a whole lot. The doctor saw him and examined Kitty prior to examining Jacob. She's a really great pediatrician! We just love her. Anyway, his lungs were clear, so she felt its just a bad cold with a fever.

Thankfully today, his temperature has been closer to 99 degrees and he is much more active than yesterday, so I'm hoping he is on the mend and can go to school tomorrow. Right now, we are playing with his doctor kit and he is doing the same exam to me that the doctor did to him and Kitty.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

I'm glad he appears to be on the mend. The kitty story is just precious. I'll have to remember that for Elijah...we'll make his stuffed monkey the patient. :)

Keep getting better, Jacob! xoxo